Description: note:Terre di Mare (2007)
Property | Value |
creator (dce:creator) | arthur_de_graauw (arthur_de_graauw) [x] |
isReferencedBy (terms:isReferencedBy) | Chemical composition and lead isotopy of copper and bronze from Nuragic Sardinia (ap:bib_Begemann_2001_Chemical)[BIBTEX]@article{bib_Begemann_2001_Chemical, author={Begemann, Friedrich and Pernicka, Ernst and Schiavo, Fulvia Lo and Schmitt-Strecker, Sigrid}, journal={European Journal of Archaeology}, number={1}, pages={43--85}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, title={Chemical composition and lead isotopy of copper and bronze from Nuragic Sardinia}, volume={4} } |
partOf (terms:partOf) | Geodatabase of Ancient Ports and Harbours (xls table) (ap:bib_deGrauw_2013_GeoDB) |
inDataset (void:inDataset) | ap_dataset (ap:ap_dataset) [153626 gsp:asWKT] |