Property | Value |
creator (dce:creator) | arthur_de_graauw (arthur_de_graauw) [x] |
isReferencedBy (terms:isReferencedBy) | Hippone, port de l’annone: la contribution de l’iconographie (ap:bib_Boulinguez_2008_Hippone)[BIBTEX]@article{bib_Boulinguez_2008_Hippone, author={Boulinguez, Corinne and Napoli, Joëlle}, journal={Le ricchezze dell’Africa. Risorse, produzioni, scambi, Atti del XVII convegno di studio L’Africa Romana (Sevilla, 14-17 dicembre 2006), Gonz{'a}lez J., Ruggeri P., Vismara C., Zucca R.[eds], Roma: Carocci}, pages={703--732}, title={Hippone, port de l’annone: la contribution de l’iconographie} } |
partOf (terms:partOf) | Geodatabase of Ancient Ports and Harbours (xls table) (ap:bib_deGrauw_2013_GeoDB) |
inDataset (void:inDataset) | ap_dataset (ap:ap_dataset) [153626 gsp:asWKT] |